Sue Vernon receives BPE award

During the last 12 months Sue Vernon has been entering exhibitions that are part of the BPE  (British Photographic Exhibitions) circuit. At the moment there are 17 exhibitions available to enter. Every photo accepted is awarded 1 point towards BPE Awards.

A gallery of samples of Sue's entries to the BPE can be seen here

After accruing 25 points Sue was able to apply for a BPE '1 Crown' award. Participants can continue building up points, so 50 points = 2 Crown, and finally 300 points will qualify for the  BPE 5 Crown award.

Sue said "I find it a good platform to see how my photography is progressing, watching which photos score well. It's also interesting to see the standard of photography across the country". I'm sure all our members will join me in congratulating Sue on her achievement.

More information can be found on the website